DHR:VN Dev Log #1 - September

This month of September was rather busy for Death Hunter's Requiem, especially for the Chapter 2 Process! All of the script from start to finish was coded into the game and has been fixed to make the flow of the story more consistent and without sounding like a roundabout of confusion along with adding more shake functions for character sprites.  Here's a quick rundown of everything:

-Chapter 2 Coding has been completed as of last week (9/21/22)

-End Chapter Boss Battle has been added and playtested, though some bugs concerning a dead character from the last chapter battle appearing needs to be fixed

-More sprites with additional expressions for characters have been added to make the reactions more natural

-Additional animations have been added for graphical effects in-game

Also, there is now a Chapter 1 demo in the process of being made, revised, and playtested! With luck, it should be up by next week for download here on itch.io and hopefully a trailer. Though if the trailer is not up in time then at least the demo will be. 

There is also an official twitter for Death Hunter's Requiem here: https://twitter.com/deathrequiemdev

This is pretty much it for now! Thanks for sticking by and being patient as I make Episode 1 of Death Hunter's Requiem! 

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